BlazeRush Star Track Review PS5 | Exciting Racing Action!

Welcome to our BlazeRush Star Track review for PS5! We explore the story modes, gameplay, and more for the base game and new DLC for 2024!
Operating System: PlayStation 5
Application Category: Game
Welcome to our BlazeRush Star Track review for PS5! While the original game was released for PC ten years ago on 28 October 2014, Targem Games published the PS5 version and new DLC on 6 March 2024. It’s a fun arcade racing survival action game with online and local multiplayer available, but you can also play solo across the chapter adventures in the base game and Star Track DLC.
Since we’ve never played the base game before, our BlazeRush Star Track review covers both the base features but with extensive coverage of what the Star Track DLC pack includes, such as the new campaign, characters, power-ups, and more!
Stay tuned for our extensive BlazeRush Star Track review for PS5! Or you can simply rush on over and buy the arcade racing game for PlayStation on your PS5 now!
Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from Targem Games via https://www.keymailer.co. PS, this in no way influences my review as I share my personal experience of this fun game.
Here is a gameplay video of the base game. Check later in our BlazeRush Star Track Review PS5 for the DLC gameplay video!
Story Review | Take to the Stars and Win!
So you guys have been with me long enough by now to know I’m starting my BlazeRush Star Track review with the story elements. As a writer and published author, the plot is what tickles me the most about games. Fortunately, this title has plenty of story to go around, despite being an action racing game. Is there enough juice for me to adapt it into a book or movie? Absolutely! Let’s get into it.
Are you ready to race and win at all costs?
One of the best parts of BlazeRush Star Track is that you have chapters to play in the campaign. I’m not only referring to the base game; the DLC adds several more, which will keep you busy for several hours on end. That means you won’t meaninglessly try to win races and destroy enemies. Completing missions means progressing to the next level and part of the central plot.

Various tracks, characters, and machines
Another fun aspect I enjoyed while playing the game for my PS5 BlazeRush Star Track review was how many tracks there are. It sometimes feels like they developed a map for each chapter with the variety at hand. The DLC is no different, adding space tracks and ports to the arcade racing game. You also have a variety of characters with exclusive flying or racing machines to try out, seeing which one suits your style most. I love the new spaceship designs for the DLC, which would have made young Anakin Skywalker proud on Tatooine.

Single and multiplayer modes
The excitement is ramping up! How often do we get to play 4-player local multiplayer these days on the PS5, unless it’s Minecraft?? Even Diablo 4 failed to make this a possibility despite it being available in Diablo 3. Thank you, Targem Games, for making this a reality! Ok, back to my PS5 BlazeRush Star Track review.
So, clearly, you can play single of multiplayer mode. If you’re all playing on the same screen, your family or friends can join in the Adventure story mode at any time simply by logging in and joining. It’s fun an mayhem with shouting and laughing as you all try to win and destroy each other. If you don’t have anyone with you on the sofa/bed/gaming area, then hop to the online lobby to create or join an online game. There are plenty of modes to enjoy that isn’t just racing, but more about that later in my PS5 BlazeRush Star Track review.

Trophies and medals explained
As you play each round in the chapters, you’ll receive trophies and medals. Now, these are two very different items. Trophies are the cups you’ll receive for completing specific objectives in the race, such as ending first, sending opponents off the track to their deaths, or being the only survivor in the survival games. You’ll need these to progress in the story, which I’ll touch on separately.
Medals or badges are what you will receive for specific actions in each race. For example, you can get medals for killing players, boosting from last to first within seconds, or being the first one to attack. You can achieve these at any time on any tracks, irrespective of the track objectives. Also, they have no bearing on chapter progress.

Progressing in BlazeRush Star Track
As I mentioned earlier in my PS5 BlazeRush Star Track review, you earn trophies for meeting specific objectives per race. You’ll notice in the campaign more that there are locked chapters further up. You’ll need to obtain cups to unlock these. Sometimes this means going back to play previous races where you failed to meet all objectives if you need a few more cups. This unlock system is similar to the one I experienced in Angry Birds Mobile a few years ago.

How long to play BlazeRush Star Track?
Whether you play the base game or DLC, the story modes will take you between 6 to 12 hours to complete, if not longer. It depends on how long it takes you to complete objectives and unlock chapters. Also, you can hit the online lobby anytime you want for more fun. To be honest, the arcade racing action game provides endless days of fun that you can return to at any time.

Final Thoughts on BlazeRush Star Track Review Story Elements
So, what did I think about the story for my PS5 BlazeRush Star Track review? It’s awesome. Characters will appear on screen to explain what’s happening in the storyline and why it’s imperative for you to win. I love that there are chapters to complete and an incentive to win as many cups as possible. Fantastic job, Targem Games!
As promised, here is my BlazeRush Star Track Review PS5 DLC gameplay video:
Gameplay Review | Roll, Race, and Shoot
Next up in my BlazeRush Star Track review is….you guessed it: the gameplay section. For those of you who don’t know, this is where I show you what it’s like to play the game, covering movement, action, weapons, gimmicks, and more. Let’s race into it!
Learning how to play BlazeRush Star Track
The first part I always cover for gameplay is how easy it is to learn how to play the game. For my BlazeRush Star Track review, I didn’t find this challenging at all. When there’s a new gaming mechanic to discover, an NPC will appear on the screen and explain how it works. From there, you’ll test it out live on the track by using the skills on your opponents.

Choosing your favourite vehicle: manoeuvrability and speed
Do you want to know one skill to learn early on in BlazeRush Star Track: test out each type of vehicle to see which one suits you best. There are racers, bikers, fliers, and now with the DLC, spaceships. Each one manoeuvres differently with different acceleration. While one may fly at tremendous speed, that means you may not be able to take corners as well. Check all of them to see which type you prefer.

Understanding how weapons and power-ups work
Here’s the fun part of my BlazeRush Star Track review. Just like Mario Kart and similar games, you’ll receive power-ups on the track. Some are boosters to pick up speed, while others are weapons. You’ll also receive variations of each type, so be careful how you use them. Some give massive speed over a short amount of time, but that may send you over the track’s edge to your death. (Just watch my videos above to see what I mean!)
Do you want to know what I love the most about the drops? It’s how pragmatic they are. For example, boosters won’t drop for the leaders. They don’t need them, after all. You’ll find they usually fall from the mid-field to the back, giving you that much-needed speed when you need it the most.
Some of the new DLC weapons are so much fun. There’s a laser that reminds me of the Death Star in Star Wars, blasting spaceships like planets that get in your way. I also enjoyed the EMP-like lightning weapon that shocks and spins your opponents, hopefully off the track.

Different types of races: survival mode at its best!
Here’s another feature to praise in my BlazeRush Star Track review. You don’t only race to win. Actually, there are many other modes, including survival. There’s a mower of sorts in one mode that chases all players as they race away. Once it devours all but the last player, everyone resets in reverse order and continues. This continues until the final round, and all points are counted to determine the winner. I have a few favourite modes, but this is one of them.

Unlocking new characters and vehicles in BlazeRush Star Track
Of course, the excitement of any game with characters and vehicles is that you can unlock them. For the most part, you’ll do this in BlazeRush Star Track by simply playing the chapters. The new DLC pack gives you a few more, but there isn’t an extensive library. I hope more get added to the roster in time to come, so much so that it fills the screen! Also, fun backstories for each character would be cool. Hmmm…maybe if I get the rights to develop books based on the game, I can focus on that part.
Hosting and joining online races
I mentioned earlier in my BlazeRush Star Track review for PS5 that you can play local and online multiplayer. When you head to the multiplayer section, you can either host or join an online game, or you can hit Quick Game. If you’re the host, you set the parameters of the match, such as how many bots and so on. This is where the fun arcade games come in, such as playing American Football, similar to Rocket League. However, I find these games incredibly challenging, and I usually fail in the football one specifically. That’s more due to my lack of skill in this department, though.

Local multiplayer is so much fun!
I can’t hype up the local multiplayer component enough in my BlazeRush Star Track review. My wife and kids joined me in the fun when I first tested it out, and we had so many laughs. It really is as simple as taking a controller and joining. This can be done in the story mode and online multiplayer, whichever way you like it.

Will we see a map editor for the PS5?
The one aspect I’d like to see in the game is a map or track editor mode. It would be great to be able to create our own tracks in different environments and possibly upload them so the community can enjoy them too. I hope Targem Games will include something like this in the future for the PS5.
How difficult is BlazeRush Star Track?
BlazeRush Star Track is not that difficult and pretty easy to master. Does that mean you’ll win every race? Hell no! Sometimes, whether or not you’ll win may depend on luck! Opponents can blast you off the track without a moment’s notice, and this may even happen near the end of the race. Still, that doesn’t make this game difficult.

Final Thoughts on BlazeRush Star Track Review Gameplay Elements
For my BlazeRush Star Track review, I find the gameplay elements fun and exciting without much fault. I would love to see more characters and vehicles in the future, and definitely a track editor. Other than that, this arcade racing game is pure bliss.
Audio-Visual Review | Music, Crashing, Explosions!
Almost there; almost there. If I could give you a medal for reading so much of my BlazeRush Star Track review, I would. Consider this a pat on your back for making it this far. Now, let’s get to the next section: the visuals and audio. Let’s see if you’ll enjoy looking at and hearing the game.
(Don’t worry; since I don’t use AI to write these reviews, it takes me longer to write it than it does for you to read it. That’s why I appreciate those of you who go through all of it. But there are so many details to share in my BlazeRush Star Track review, I don’t want to spare a single word!)
Exotic locations
Targem Games treats us to so many exotic locations, which is another element I loved for my BlazeRush Star Track review. The pure imagination behind the designers for each environment is wonderful to behold, especially with the new space DLC. Star Wars fans will love many of the locations, especially if you consider yourself a speedster.

Exciting effects and animations
When everyone boosts and fires weapons, there is chaos and destruction on the screen. It’s hilarious to watch the effects of these incidents, except when it happens to you, of course. Just keep a lookout for the track edges and avoid them at all costs! Also, thank you for the arrow showing you which ship is yours and which way you are facing. It’s a lifesaver.

No voice-acting, just text
Do I have any downsides in my BlazeRush Star Track review? Well, perhaps just one, but it’s minor. I love voice acting. Not only does it save me from reading after a long day of writing and editing content for my clients, but it adds a new dimension to games. This absence isn’t a dealbreaker, but it is an element I review for every game I test.

Fun music and explosive sounds
You’ll be racing and blasting to the beat with various songs in each round. When you’re in survival mode, you’ll hear that big mower coming for you or the explosion that just rattled your ship. What I love is that some of the sounds come through on the controller, which is a stunning extra touch.

Final Thoughts on BlazeRush Star Track Review Audio-Visual Elements
For an arcade racer, there’s plenty to see and hear. I’m very impressed with how much detail they put into the game, from the environment visuals to the user-interface icons and the weapon effects. It may get a bit crazy on the screen when everyone is racing and fighting for their lives, but that’s half the fun!
BlazeRush Star Track Review PC: Final Verdict
That’s it for my BlazeRush Star Track review. Overall, there are many fun elements to enjoy, and you’ll want to come back again soon to return to the action. Whether you’re a soloist or multiplayer junkie, there’s something for everyone in this arcade racing game. Add a track editor and more characters, and you’ll only enhance the experience. Well done to Targem Games for the new DLC and bringing it to PS5!
Is BlazeRush Star Track worth buying?
Yes; 100% yes. I am fortunate that the publisher reached out to me to try it out, as I feel like I’ve missed out on over a decade of fun. The fact that it’s now on PS5 with a new DLC is a treasure. We need more games like this on console for families!
What other games are like BlazeRush Star Track?
There are many games that are like BlazeRush Star Track, but not many of them are on PS5. In general, you’ll want to try titles like GRIP: Combat Racing, GRAL, Obliteracers, Barely Racing, and, of course, Mario Kart for the Switch.

What I liked and didn’t like about BlazeRush Star Track
Here’s a summary of what I loved and disliked about BlazeRush Star Track:
- Absolutely fun and hilarious mayhem
- Easy to master
- Local 4-player multiplayer!
- Gorgeous environments
- Exciting weapons and vehicles
- Detailed story progression
- Would love a track editor mode
- Needs more characters and vehicles
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