ESO: High Isle Review

Join us as we head on an adventure to Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle, featuring new stories, dungeons, pets, NPCs, and so much more to enjoy!
Product Brand: Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle
Product Currency: ZAR
Product Price: R599
Product In-Stock: InStock
Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle is a new chapter for the MMORPG that features the Breton homeland for the first time. Developed and published by Bethesda, it launched on 8 June, 2022 on multiple platforms. With it is a brand new story and location, dungeons, NPCs, companions, pets, events, and so much more!
In this ESO: High Isle review, I’ll take you through different elements I’ve enjoyed since embarking on the online adventure. There’s so much content, it’s impossible to cover it in one gameplay article. For now, you’ll have to settle for a summary of the features below.
Here’s my High Isle gameplay video that’s over an hour long:
Disclaimer: I received a review key from Bethesda, but this in no way changes my opinion about the game. What you’ll see is my honest feelings about High Isle, unlike other sites that pander to the masses.
What’s the story in ESO: High Isle?
Let’s start with my favourite part of any game: the story. The chapter I’ve enjoyed the most so far was Elsweyr. I had a review for it on this site before we had the massive upgrade, and I need to find it so I can repost it again. For now, here’s my ESO: High Isle review.
Welcome to the land of the Bretons
High Isle presents the first time we visit this home of the Bretons. It seems to be a place where the wealthy live or visit, and you’ll see stunning buildings on the main island. There’s also a neighbouring land called Amenos where only the heroic dare go.
From dragons in Elsweyr and the Daedric storyline in Blackwood to this new plot in High Isle, it’s certainly a change of pace. While some might find it disappointing, I quite loved it. It was nice to deal with pirates and knights gone wrong at a slower pace than before. However, I feel this chapter is far form over and we have much more coming.

Meet Lady Arabelle Davaux
Lady Arabelle Davaux is the main NPC you’ll meet who will provide you with the primary High Isle quests. She’ll send you on missions to collect items or to find out what happened at a specific location. As the plot thickens, you’ll meet other characters along the way who’ll give you more details on what’s happening.

Political intrigue
While I don’t want to spoil the story for you, High Isle mainly revolves around politics on the island. The Alliance wants to meet to end the Three Banner War, but there seems to be a conspiracy to stop this from happening. Your quests will take you around the land trying to work out who is behind this action. It’s filled with intrigue and mystery with some surprises along the way.
Uncovering a conspiracy
With all the ESO: High Isle trailers and gameplay, you’ve probably already heard about the Ascendant Order. It’s a secret knight order behind the planned sabotage. During the middle part of the chapter’s story, you’ll come across Ascendant Magus, who features as the primary antagonist. The rest I’ll leave up to you to discover.

ESO: High Isle gameplay elements
Next, it’s time to evaluate the gameplay aspects of High Isle. For the most part, you can expect many familiar mechanics as with other chapters and areas, which is fantastic. I love that Bethesda is so reliable when it comes to providing these adventuring elements. I enjoy completing them and acquiring more powerful items.
Side missions: helping the NPCs
Besides the main plot in ESO: High Isle, you’ll also come across NPCs looking for help. They have indicators above their heads revealing that they need your assistance. If you don’t have time when you come across them the first time, you can return later to accept the quest.
Completing these missions will help you gain experience and valuable items. There are also new writs to accept with a new trading location on High Isle. You won’t have to return to previous locations to finish them, saving you time from traveling back and forth.
Exploring the islands
There’s plenty to do on High Isle and the sister island, Amenos. As per the standard Bethesda production, you’ll discover stunning viewpoints and open new locations. Part of the journey is revealing all places on the map. There are also new fishing spots for budding fishermen like me, but you’ll need to find the right bait for the different types of water.

Clearing dungeons
High Isle also features new dungeons with champions you need to clear. It’s always exciting heading into these with other players, especially if you’re part of a clan that works together to defeat bosses. You’ll usually find valuable armour sets in the dungeons, but it’s also part of clearing the map. Just make sure you have the right build.

Fighting new bosses
When you come across skull and bones icons on the High Isle map, that means you’re about to face a unique boss you won’t find anywhere else. You’ll usually see a group of players waiting for the boss to spawn, as it’s incredibly challenging to take face them on your own. Be ready with your healing spells, as you’re bound to take loads of damage.
100% completion
Viewing the map of High Isle and Amenos reveals what you need to do for 100% completion. It entails visiting all the viewpoints, clearing dungeons, killing the bosses, helping NPCs, and more. Once you’re done with the main and secondary missions, the fun doesn’t end there. You’ll have so much to do while we wait for the next DLC or chapter.

Tales of Tribute
You’ll also find a new game to enjoy that’s similar to Gwent in The Witcher 3. Tales of Tribute is a table game you can play in the tavern in High Isle and nowhere else at this moment. With gold you collect, you can buy new cards or acquire them while exploring the island. It’s not a game I’ve mastered yet, but I’m sure I’ll get there soon.
Heroes of High Isle Event
I’m glad I waited this long to do my High Isle review for The Elder Scrolls Online. This past weekend, we were treated to the start of the Heroes of High Isle event. There’s an in-game quest for us to complete and then we need to view all 6 scenic locations. Once done, the community needs to fill the bar to 100% so we can receive all the rewards.
Upcoming DLC
While watching the Bethesda live stream this weekend, we were treated to loads of news for upcoming content on Elder Scrolls Online. It included details for the upcoming DLC to High Isle, namely, Firesong. Anyone with the base game can already play the prologue to this upcoming story. It’s certainly an exciting time ahead for ESO fans!
Visuals and sounds of ESO: High Isle
As the last part of this ESO: High Isle review, I want to chat about the graphics and sound. As usual, you’ll have the splendour that is Elder Scrolls Online in this new chapter. With it comes magnificent new scenes, actions, and glory.
There’s plenty to see in High Isle. You’ll run into beautiful waterfalls and towering hills. The buildings represent the visual glory of the Bretons, but there are some chapels and fortresses that are incredible and simply impressive. Boss and creature designs are, as always, splendid, and some are just terrifying to behold.

Sound elements
With the graphics, you’ll have outstanding audio in High Isle. Monsters roar and the elements whistle around you. There’s standard voice acting for the characters, some of which really hold the emotion in their voices when they speak. I also love the new theme sound when you load Elder Scrolls for the new chapter.

Final verdict of ESO: High Isle
Elder Scrolls Online is one of the few games that can do no wrong in my eyes. I’ve seen a few bad High Isle reviews online, but I honestly can’t find any issues with the new chapter. It brings the beauty of ESO with a new story, delivering familiar mechanics that so many of us love. I’m happy to spend the next month or more in this Breton region, clearing the map and dungeons until the next story unfolds.
Before you leave this site, be sure to check out The Windfarer, Book 1 of the Celenic Earth Chronicles that features an epic fantasy story that will make a welcome home in ESO any day of the week.
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