Welcome to the eighth installment of our Silent Hill Retrospective, looking at Silent Hill The Arcade.
Silent Hill The Arcade (2007)
Here’s a game for our Silent Hill Retrospective 2022 that not many gamers know about. Konami Digital Entertainment created Silent Hill The Arcade as an arcade shooter where one or two players use a light gun to fire at enemies on the screen. While it may not have received many positive reviews, it’s still a side game in the series.
The story features Eric and Tina who head to Silent Hill for their own reasons. Eric is investigating a strange cult in the town that may have been involved with his grandfather’s disappearance. Tina wants to meet her pen-pal Emilie who sends her letters from the town.
Friends of the two head with them to Silent Hill, but bad things happen to them along the way. Only Eric and Tina are left standing against the nightmares that await them, facing an enemy at the end that Eric wishes to save. The arcade game also presents Pyramid Head in one of the Otherworld battles, causing unhappiness with many fans for using him in a non-James story.
Silent Hill Arcade certainly gave you a new way to play a SH game.