It’s time for a New Year, new goals! While many people focus on arbitrary objectives or something aligned with their work, writers need a more specific resolution for New Year. It’s time to get your creative mind into gear already, preparing something exciting for your future followers.
Today, as the old year fades away, we’ll show you why you need a writer’s resolution for New Year. Also, there are some tips on the types of goals you can set, and it doesn’t only need to be one! You can choose as many as you wish.
Why writers need a resolution for New Year
You may be wondering why we’re specifically targeting writers for a New Year’s resolution. Too many times, we’ve chatted to wanna-be authors who are dying to get their first book published. While it’s a wonderful dream, it’s one they never attain due to life, circumstances, and lack of focus on this goal.
When you make a resolution for New Year, it’s easier to accomplish your goal of having your book published. That’s why Celenic Earth Publications encourage writers to set a target for the year to come so they can succeed.

Top 7 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers
If we’ve encouraged you to make a writer’s resolution for New Year, you may be wondering which one you should focus on. While there are many to choose from, we’ve selected the top 7 New Year’s resolutions we believe will be best for you, especially if you’re still new to the industry.
Get that book published
We’ve met so many writers who really want to become published authors. When we ask why they haven’t published their book yet, they have so many excuses. Many are too afraid of criticism, while others say their story and characters keep changing. If you really want to become published, make a resolution for New Year to finally get that book published, come hell or high water.
Speak to us if you’d like some advice on completing and publishing your novel.

Try a new genre or perspective
If you’re already published, perhaps you should challenge yourself to a new genre. The alternative is trying a different form of writing. In our article on the different types of writing careers, you’ll see many options you can try in 2023. Perhaps you should focus a bit on content writing for your New Year’s resolution.
Read new books
This resolution for New Year may sound odd for a writer, but you’ll be surprised how helpful reading other books is. It gives you new ideas that may just help you out of that rut you’re in. Maybe make a goal of reading one book per month and see if it aids you in your writing struggle in any way.

Check out new technology
One goal you need to set for yourself in 2023 is checking the new apps and technology that become available. I’m not referring to AI that can write your books for you. Instead, look at the many apps available that can hone your focus, improve your planning, and generally assist you with your writing. We’ll be making another guide soon on apps that can help in this regard.
Share your activity with others
The worst thing you can do is write and work on your book in isolation. If the first time your friends, family, and followers hear about your novel is when you’re about to publish it, you’re doing it wrong. It’s all about the hype, sharing your progress on social media so that everyone knows how far you are. You’d be surprised how much they can spur you on. This resolution for New Year should be on the top of your list.

Schedule time for research and development
Just like reading, research can help motivate you to write. When you’re writing online content for websites, it’s one of the most important factors. Also, spending time reading the news and learning online will give you some ideas of what to write about or identify new opportunities. Taking free courses will also help with your personal development. So make a resolution for New Year to spend more time researching online.
Learn how to market yourself better
The last writer’s resolution for New Year is most probably the most challenging. The reason so many writers fail is due to not being salespeople. They want to bury their heads in their writing, not think of new ways to sell their books. If you don’t have a publishing agency like Celenic Earth Publications, there’s a good chance you’ll struggle with this goal in 2023.

Make your writer resolution for New Year
Now that you have some idea of what to focus on, it’s time to make your resolution for New Year from a writer’s perspective. There’s so much you can become involved in as a writer, and it doesn’t only have to be books.
Thank you for joining us, and let us know which New Year’s resolution you like the most.
If your goal is to become less stressed, be sure to check out Suzana Sjenicic’s book, Anxiety Free, published by Celenic Earth Publications.