While there are still many writers who don’t know about this event, millions around the world are getting ready for NaNoWriMo22. It’s National Novel Writing Month where you do your best to write or edit 50,000 words in one month. It only happens once a year, which means you shouldn’t miss out if you dreamed of writing and completing your novel.
Wondering how to register for NaNoWriMo22, what it entails, and which awards you can win?! Celenic Earth Publications is here to explain it all to you after several years of participating in the annual event. From tomorrow, we’ll be publishing articles as many times as possible in November with tips and guides on how to make the most of it.

What is #NaNoWriMo22?
NaNoWriMo22 is a global online event with writers and editors from almost every country in the world. Chris Baty started it in 1999 when only 20 people participated. Today, millions are partaking in the month writing festival, typing away at what they hope will become novels.
Everyone that’s ever dreamed of writing and publishing a novel should enter. It’s great encouragement, and you have fellow writers spurring you on. There are sprints where you set aside time with others to write as much as you can without worrying about spelling and grammar. When NaNoWriMo22 is over, you can spend time editing your novel.
You’ll also find different regions with Municipal Liaisons to guide you. Often, there are regional sprint wars where one area competes with another for the most words in a session. While this can be fun, you need to make sure you do your novel justice.
There’s a daily tracker that shows you if you’re keeping up with your daily 1,667-word goal. As long as you stay above the line, you’ll make your 50,000 words in one month. You can push even harder if you plan to write more. For instance, our Silent Hill: Betrayal horror novel is about 147,000 words, which is almost 3 NaNoWriMo years in one!
There are also badges for you to acquire, each one with a specific task in mind. Some of them you can set yourself, such as if you’re a planner or pantser. Others, you’ll need to reach milestones to achieve. We’ll write a guide soon on how you can obtain these latter trophies.
How to register a NaNoWriMo account
If you haven’t registered for NaNoWriMo as yet, the process is fairly easy:
- Head to the NaNoWriMo site and click on Sign Up
- Insert your email, a password, and a username for your account
- Select your timezone
- Read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before ticking the box
- Click on the Sign Up button
- Alternatively, you can use your Google or Facebook account
- You’ll need to confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email that will appear in your Inbox

Setting your profile, novel, goals, and more
Once you have a verified account for NaNoWriMo22, you can head onto your Dashboard and edit your profile. You can also indicate the details of your novel and look at your goals. We’re going to make a more detailed guide for this, but we just wanted to show you what else you can do with your account.
You’re going to at least establish the details of your novel if you want to begin your NaNoWriMo journey tomorrow. To do this, click on the Create Your Novel button at the top. You can also select MY NANOWRIMO in the main menu and head to Projects. If you’re really ambitious, you can work on more than one novel or project in November.
Finding a NaNoWriMo22 buddy and joining a community
The best part of NaNoWriMo22 is joining forces with other writers to motivate you to keep writing. There are two ways you can do so on the system. The one is the Buddy system, where you connect with the account of someone you know. You’ll see what progress they’ve made, do sprints with them, and read the details of their novels.
Another way is to join a NaNoWriMo22 community. The easiest way is to connect with a Region that’s listed on the site, which is how you’ll receive updates, news, and scheduled events. You can join them at any time and chat with others on Discord or WhatsApp.

Top NaNoWriMo22 FAQs
There’s much more to NaNoWriMo22 than we’ve presented above. However, we want to leave some details for upcoming guides we want to present during the event. For now, here’s a list of questions people always ask.
What does NaNoWriMo stand for?
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and indicates the one month in a year when members try to produce 50,000 words in one month towards a novel or a project. You can also edit instead of write, and there’s a Camp NaNo in April where you can also work on your novel.
How many pages are 50,000 words?
It depends on the font and page size you use. If you use a standard manuscript type, size, font, and margins, it comes to about 200 pages, which is an entry-level novel. If you increase the font and spacing, you’ll end up with more pages, so you can play around with the best settings for your goal.
Does NaNoWriMo print your book?
While NaNoWriMo may not directly print your book, it usually offers a deal from one of its partners. For NaNoWriMo22, Inkitt is welcoming you to submit a fantasy novel for a chance of winning a publishing contract. There are also discounts on writing tools, which we’ll cover in a separate guide.
How hard is NaNoWriMo?
If you’re new to NaNoWriMo, there’s a good chance you may find it challenging with all the trophies and keeping up with the veteran writers. You’ll need to develop the discipline to write every day to meet the milestones. If you’re a planner like me, you’ll most likely have everything planned out already. If you’re a pantser, just keep writing whatever comes to mind.
How long does it take to write 1667 words?
This question is tricky to answer. It depends on your writing speed and how prepared you are. If you know what your story is about and the words are flowing, 1,667 words of just under 7 pages can take you between an hour to three. The average words per session for beginners is about 350 words, give or take, so it could even take you up to five hours.
Is it possible to write a novel in 30 days?
The quick answer is yes, it’s possible to complete a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days. However, the novel isn’t really done when you finish writing the last words. You still need to proofread it and then have it edited, think of a cover design, and so much more. Writing your novel is only one step in the process.
How does NaNoWriMo verify word count?
Towards the end of NaNoWriMo22, you’ll be able to copy and paste your words into a window that will calculate an estimated wordcount. It doesn’t save your words, so you don’t have to worry about your novel being stolen. You can even use an online tool to scramble your words, as the NaNo tool simply checks spaces to determine how many words there are.
Is NaNoWriMo free?
NaNoWriMo22 is completely and utterly free! You don’t need to pay for an account or to participate. However, there is merchandise you can buy from the store if you’re really into NaNoWriMo. If you succeed in reaching 50,000 words in November, you’ll receive a free digital certificate confirming that you won.

Have fun with NaNoWriMo22!
That’s all we have to share about NaNoWriMo22 for now! Expect us to do some guides and tips as the days go by in the coming month. I’ve already indicated that I’ll be working on Silent Hill: Obversion for my project as part of completing the next book in the Boatman saga.
Let us know if you’re participating and if you want to know anything specific about the event!